Before the March 1933 elections, Hitler had persuaded Hindenburg to promulgate the Reichstag Fire Decree using Article 48, which empowered the government to restrict "the rights of habeas corpus [...] freedom of the press, the freedom to organise and assemble, the privacy of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications" and legalised search warrants and confiscation "beyond legal limits otherwise prescribed". Lorsqu'il apparaît aux militaires que la guerre est perdue, l'OHL demande qu'un nouveau gouvernement soit formé (le gouvernement civil existait déjà puisqu'au début de la guerre, cela avait été Bethmann-Hollweg, le chancelier au « chiffon de papier » ; il a… Immediately afterward, Brüning submitted the president's decree that the Reichstag be dissolved. No aircraft of any kind was allowed. Innovative street theatre brought plays to the public, and the cabaret scene and jazz band became very popular. Artists in Berlin were influenced by other contemporary progressive cultural movements, such as the Impressionist and Expressionist painters in Paris, as well as the Cubists. [citation needed]. The ceremony helped convince the "old guard" Prussian military elite of Hitler's homage to their long tradition and, in turn, produced the relatively convincing view that Hitler's government had the support of Germany's traditional protector—the Army. That was made apparent when political parties on both right and left wanting to disband the Republic altogether made any democratic majority in Parliament impossible. By reason of a decision of the Reich's Government I hereby announce, that the Imperial coat of arms on a gold-yellow shield shows the one headed black eagle, the head turned to the right, the wings open but with closed feathering, beak, tongue and claws in red colour. Exporter la notice de ce article. Four Chancellors Brüning, Papen, Schleicher and, from 30 January to 23 March 1933, Hitler governed through presidential decree rather than through parliamentary consultation. Dans le même temps se réunit à Weimar une Assemblée nationale, majoritairement constituée de députés socialistes, démocrates ou catholiques (Zentrum). The Freikorps units were formally disbanded in 1920 (although continued to exist in underground groups), and on 1 January 1921, a new Reichswehr (figuratively; Defence of the realm) was created. [citation needed], Princeton historian Harold James argues that there was a clear link between economic decline and people turning to extremist politics.[69]. Hitler also pledged to protect the Catholic confessional schools and to respect the concordats signed between the Holy See and Bavaria (1924), Prussia (1929) and Baden (1931). Inspired by the general strikes, a workers' uprising began in the Ruhr region when 50,000 people formed a "Red Army" and took control of the province. Other foreign achievements were the evacuation of foreign troops from the Ruhr in 1925. Sur fond de disette et de guerre civile, tandis que Berlin, Munich et les grands ports sont menacés de subversion bolchévique, les députés régularisent à la hâte les institutions républicaines forgées après la défaite allemande et l'abdication de l'empereur Guillaume II. The Weimar Republic was severely affected by the Great Depression. La République de l'entre-deux-guerres, victorieuse et fragilisée (1919-1934) - Duration: 6:10. Hans Ulrich Wehler, Deutsche Gesellschaftsgeschichte, Band 4, 1. The left of the Nazi party strove desperately against any drift into the train of such capitalist and feudal reactionaries. [19] A decree on 23 December 1918 established committees (composed of workers' representatives "in their relation to the employer") to safeguard the rights of workers. Le 21 août 1919. Rampant hyperinflation, massive unemployment, and a large drop in living standards were primary factors. Circulation of money rocketed, and soon banknotes were being overprinted to a thousand times their nominal value and every town produced its own promissory notes; many banks and industrial firms did the same. The radical left accused the ruling Social Democrats of having betrayed the ideals of the workers' movement by preventing a communist revolution and sought to overthrow the Republic and do so themselves. "Weimar Germany" redirects here. [clarification needed] As the Young Plan did not allow a devaluation of the Reichsmark, Brüning triggered a deflationary internal devaluation by forcing the economy to reduce prices, rents, salaries and wages by 20%. The Nazi party then supplanted the Social Democrats as the largest party in the Reichstag, although it did not gain a majority. [53] In mid-1931, the United Kingdom abandoned the gold standard and about 30 countries (the sterling bloc) devalued their currencies,[54] making their goods around 20% cheaper than those produced by Germany. Une lettre pour tous les passionnés d'Histoire, Publié ou mis à jour le : 2019-06-11 09:10:03. At this, Hitler could no longer restrain his wrath.[65]. According to the Nuremberg Trials, this cabinet meeting's first order of business was how at last to achieve the complete counter-revolution by means of the constitutionally allowed Enabling Act, requiring a 66% parliamentary majority. On 22 March, the negotiations concluded; Hitler promised to continue the existence of the German states, agreed not to use the new grant of power to change the constitution, and promised to retain Zentrum members in the civil service. Brüning's economic policy from 1930 to 1932 has been the subject of much debate. Le 6 février 1919, trois mois après l'armistice qui a mis fin à la Grande Guerre (1914-1918), une Assemblée constituante allemande se réunit dans le théâtre de Weimar, la ville de Goethe et Schiller, illustres représentants de l'âme allemande ! Locarno paved the way for Germany's admission to the League of Nations in 1926. Many blamed the Weimar Republic. The constitution of 1919 was never formally repealed, but the Enabling Act meant that it was a dead letter. Cette République de Weimar a concentré durant ses 14 années d’existence un nombre important d’événements, dont certains auraient pu laisser prévoir une solution progressiste, grâce à l’action révolutionnaire, alors que d’autres ont participé à précipiter le … Hitler addressed disparate interest groups, stressing the necessity for a definitive solution to the perpetual instability of the Weimar Republic. workers). Thus, the USPD left the "Council of the People's Deputies" after only seven weeks. Although technically in service of the republic, the army was predominantly officered by conservative reactionaries who were sympathetic to right-wing organisations. To centrist and conservative citizens, the country looked to be on the verge of a communist revolution. [citation needed] After four years of war and famine, many German workers were exhausted, physically impaired and discouraged. But the Reichswehr officers were not prepared for this, the working class had a natural distrust of their future allies, and the great capitalists and landowners also did not like the plans. The Republic was soon under attack from both left- and right-wing sources. Although the new government was confirmed by the Berlin worker and soldier council, it was opposed by the Spartacus League. The decisive blow came with the entry of the United States into the conflict, which made its vast industrial resources available to the beleaguered Allies. The term "Weimar Republic" refers to the city of Weimar, where the republic's constituent assembly first took place. [47], In 1923, unemployment relief was consolidated into a regular programme of assistance following economic problems that year. Thus, Ebert was able to institute elections for a provisional National Assembly that would be given the task of writing a democratic constitution for parliamentary government, marginalising the movement that called for a socialist republic. As he was an old style monarchist conservative, he had little love lost for the Republic,[citation needed] but for the most part, he formally acted within the bounds of the constitution;[citation needed] however, he ultimately—on the advice of his son and others close to him—appointed Hitler chancellor, thereby effectively ending the Republic. Hans von Seeckt, the head of the Reichswehr, declared that the army was not loyal to the democratic republic, and would only defend it if it were in their interests. André Larané a fondé en 2004 après une première carrière dans le journalisme scientifique. Hitler is recorded at the Nuremberg Trials as being sure of eventual Centre Party Germany capitulation and thus rejecting of the DNVP's suggestions to "balance" the majority through further arrests, this time of Social Democrats. The Weimar Republic , is an historical designation for the German federal state that existed from 1918 to 1933. The occupation of the Rhineland took place following the Armistice with Germany of 11 November 1918. The 1920s saw a remarkable cultural renaissance in Germany. On 28 January, Papen described Hitler to Paul von Hindenburg as only a minority part of an alternative, Papen-arranged government. On 20 March, negotiation began between Hitler and Frick on one side and the Catholic Centre Party (Zentrum) leaders—Kaas, Stegerwald and Hackelsburger on the other. La République De Weimar, 1918-33 . The Grand Coalition headed by Muller inspired some faith in the government, but that didn't last. Le 16 mai 1703, le tsar Pierre 1er le Grand fonde une nouvelle capitale sous le nom de Sankt-Petersburg (en allemand, la « ville de Saint-Pierre »). In a cynical and politically adroit move, Hitler bowed in apparently respectful humility before President and Field Marshal Hindenburg. [67] Germany had limited democratic traditions, and Weimar democracy was widely seen as chaotic. The Reichstag convened on 23 March 1933, and in the midday opening, Hitler made a historic speech, appearing outwardly calm and conciliatory. [32], In the early post-war years, inflation was growing at an alarming rate, but the government simply printed more currency to pay debts. ... Si ses chances de réussite étaient faibles, la République de Weimar n'était pas non plus irrémédiablement vouée à l'échec, selon l'auteur. This left the black eagle with one head, facing to the right, with open wings but closed feathers, with a red beak, tongue and claws and white highlighting. Il a publié chez Flammarion plusieurs manuels d'Histoire, régulièrement réédités : Chronologie universelle, Les grandes dates de l'Histoire de France... Passionné d'Histoire depuis la petite enfance, notre directeur de la rédaction a suivi une maîtrise d'Histoire à l'université de Toulouse en parallèle avec des études d'ingénieur à l'École centrale de Lyon (1973-1976). With the ascendance of the SS, the Reichswehr took a softer line about the Nazis, as the SS presented itself as elitist, respectable, orderly, and busy reforming and dominating the police rather than the army. The rebels were campaigning for an extension of the plans to nationalise major industries and supported the national government, but the SPD leaders did not want to lend support to the growing USPD, who favoured the establishment of a socialist regime. High unemployment led to the collapse of the coalition government and from March 1930 various chancellors ruled through emergency powers granted by the President. Of these losses, a large proportion consisted of provinces that were originally Polish, and Alsace-Lorraine, seized by Germany in 1870, where Germans constituted only part or a minority of local populations despite nationalist outrage at the fragmentation of Germany. The national government fled to Stuttgart and called for a general strike against the putsch. Strikes were called, and passive resistance was encouraged. The Weimar Republic (German: Weimarer Republik [ˈvaɪmaʁɐ ʁepuˈbliːk] (listen)), is a historical designation for the German federal state that existed from 1918 to 1933. Berlin intellectuals responded by condemning the excesses of what they considered capitalism, and demanding revolutionary changes on the cultural scenery. If the Reich's Eagle is shown without a frame, the same charge and colours as those of the eagle of the Reich's coat of arms are to be used, but the tops of the feathers are directed outside. Germany lost the war because the country ran out of allies and its economic resources were running out; support among the population began to crumble in 1916 and by mid-1918 there was support for the war only among the die-hard monarchists and conservatives. The deflation policy causes much more damage than the reparation payments of 20 years ... Fighting against Hitler is fighting against deflation, the enormous destruction of production factors. The Freikorps was an army outside the control of the government, but they were in close contact with their allies in the Reichswehr. Friedrich Ebert initially declared the official German coat of arms to be a design by Emil Doepler (shown in the first infobox above) as of 12 November 1919, following a decision of the German government.[14]. At the Reichstag elections, which took place on 5 March 1933, the NSDAP obtained 17 million votes. By 1923, the Republic claimed it could no longer afford the reparations payments required by the Versailles Treaty, and the government defaulted on some payments. These states were gradually abolished under the Nazi regime via the Gleichschaltung process, whereby they were effectively replaced by Gaue. A wide range of progressive social reforms were carried out during and after the revolutionary period. Von Papen as Vice Chancellor was intended to be the "éminence grise" who would keep Hitler under control, using his close personal connection to Hindenburg. The government printed money to deal with the crisis; this meant payments within Germany were made with worthless paper money, and helped formerly great industrialists to pay back their own loans. Title: Une démocratie fragile : La République de Weimar Author: Facing History and Ourselves Created Date: 4/2/2020 4:21:32 PM The passage of the Enabling Act of 1933 is widely considered to mark the end of the Weimar Republic and the beginning of the Nazi era. It is widely believed that the 1919 constitution had several weaknesses, making the eventual establishment of a dictatorship likely, but it is unknown whether a different constitution could have prevented the rise of the Nazi party. While in jail, Hitler dictated Mein Kampf, which laid out his ideas and future policies. While the official reparations were considerable, Germany ended up paying only a fraction of them. in June 1922, who had been defamed as compliant "Erfüllungspolitiker" [de][b] with regard to the Treaty of Versailles. Le premier président de la République est Friedrich Ebert. After the territorial losses of the Treaty of Versailles and the German Revolution of 1918–1919, the remaining states continued as republics. At the last internal Centre meeting prior to the debate on the Enabling Act, Kaas expressed no preference or suggestion on the vote, but as a way of mollifying opposition by Centre members to the granting of further powers to Hitler, Kaas somehow arranged for a letter of constitutional guarantee from Hitler himself prior to his voting with the centre en bloc in favour of the Enabling Act. The party owed its huge increase to growing support from middle-class people, whose traditional parties were swallowed up by the Nazi Party. La presse s’empare de l’affaire et un suspect, Fritz Haarmann,… He had for years been in the camp of those supporting the Conservative counter-revolution. Conservatives and reactionaries feared that Germany was betraying its traditional values by adopting popular styles from abroad, particularly those Hollywood was popularising in American films, while New York became the global capital of fashion. Le 6 février 1919, trois mois après l'armistice qui a mis fin à la Grande Guerre (1914-1918), une Assemblée constituante allemande se réunit dans le théâtre de Weimar, la ville de Goethe et Schiller, illustres représentants de l'âme allemande ! This guarantee was not ultimately given. On the one hand, this agreement symbolised the acceptance of the new government by the military, assuaging concern among the middle classes; on the other hand, it was thought contrary to working-class interests by left wing social democrats and communists, and was also opposed by the far right who believed democracy would make Germany weaker. 134 (2020) : 46–53. Because most parties opposed the new government, Papen had the Reichstag dissolved and called for new elections. Most German capitalists and landowners originally supported the conservative experiment more from the belief that conservatives would best serve their interests rather than any particular liking for Brüning. R/ Une gerbe accostée de la (date) ; au-dessous [14] Doepler's design then became the Reichsschild (Reich's escutcheon) with restricted use such as pennant for government vehicles. Many ships were scuttled and submarines and dreadnoughts were prohibited. In 1929, the onset of the depression in the United States of America produced a severe economic shock in Germany and was further made worse by the bankruptcy of the Austrian Creditanstalt bank. Chicago Nadeau, Martin "Dada dans la République de Weimar". 12.5 billion was cash that came mostly from loans from New York bankers. A timeline of the Weimar Republic gives an overview from its foundation in 1918 to its end in 1933, focusing on its early years. Histoire politique. This encouraged an escalation in the number of public demonstrations and instances of paramilitary violence organised by the NSDAP.