The war dragged on for another three years[49] and ended with a Castilian victory on land[50] and a Portuguese victory on the sea. Il fallut le mariage de Ferdinand d'Aragon et d'Isabelle de Castille, et l'union des deux états les plus puissants, pour faire à l'Espagne sa place dans le monde chrétien. [50] The four separate peace treaties signed at Alcáçovas (4 September 1479) reflected that result: Portugal gave up the throne of Castile in favour of Isabella in exchange for a very favourable share of the Atlantic territories disputed with Castile (they all went to Portugal with the exception of the Canary Islands:[51][52] Guinea with its mines of gold, Cape Verde, Madeira, Azores, and the right of conquest over the Kingdom of Fez[53][54]) plus a large war compensation: 106.676 dobles of gold. Ensuite, Ferdinand fut le roi seulement d'Aragon, laissant le trône de Castille à sa fille, Jeanne Ire la Folle, et à son mari, Philippe Ier le Beau, qui était déjà Archiduc d'Autriche, duc de Bourgogne, et comte de Flandres. [2][10] Isabella's side came out with most of what the nobles desired, though they did not go so far as to officially depose King Henry; they were not powerful enough to do so, and Isabella did not want to jeopardize the principle of fair inherited succession, since it was upon this idea that she had based her argument for legitimacy as heir-presumptive. While the nobles held the titles, individuals of lesser breeding did the real work.[73]. Check out Musique À La Cour De Ferdinand II D'Aragon Et D'Isabelle De Castille 1474-1576 by Gabriel Hernandez on Amazon Music. Isabella was not in favour of enslavement of the American natives and established the royal position on how American indigenous should be treated. Ce dernier obtint gain de cause. [89], To prevent her efforts from being reversed in the future, she added this cause to her last will, making sure her descendants follow this same policy: "And do not give rise to or allow the Indians (American indigenes) to receive any wrong in their persons and property, but rather that they be treated well and fairly, and if they have received any wrong, remedy it. While the nobles were no longer directly involved in the matters of state, they were welcome to attend the meetings. The nobles, now in control of Alfonso and claiming that he was the true heir, clashed with King Henry's forces at the Second Battle of Olmedo in 1467. En 1469, elle épouse le roi Ferdinand d'Aragon (Espagne). Et il partit pour Alcalà. Reine de Castille (1474-1504) et d'Aragon (1479-1504) née le 22 avril 1451 à Madrigal de las Altas Torres (Castille), morte le 26 novembre 1504 à Medina del Campo (Espagne).. Isabelle est la fille de Jean II de Castille et d'Isabelle de Portugal.Trois ans après sa naissance, … [2][8] Soon after he was named Prince of Asturias, Isabella's younger brother Alfonso died in July 1468, likely of the plague. Isabella is considered the first Queen of Spain de facto, being described as such during her own lifetime, although Castile and Aragon de jure remained two different kingdoms until the Nueva Planta decrees of 1707 to 1716. Suivront Juan, Juana (Jeanne La Folle), Maria et Catalina (Catherine, épouse du futur Henri VIII). Isabel I, Queen of Castile. En attendant que cette rubrique soit disponible, vous pouvez consulter les écrits et les enregistrements suivants, que … Ni Ferdinand ni Isabelle n'était, en titre, le souverain de toute l'Espagne. Ferdinand, roi d'Aragon et de Castille, formait avec Isabelle un couple uni dans les symboles (que sont, respectivement, le joug et les flèches, ensemble figurant sur les monuments et les monnaies) comme dans les décisions politiques. "The council of the Santa Hermandad: a study of the pacification forces of Ferdinand and Isabella", Medieval Sourcebook: Columbus' letter to King and Queen of Spain, 1494, University of Hull: Genealogy information on Isabella I,, Spanish exploration in the Age of Discovery, Articles with Encyclopædia Britannica links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2013, Articles needing additional references from October 2017, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2016, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Ferdinand, in his testament, declared that "she was exemplary in all acts of virtue and of fear of God.". [Introduction par Jean H. Mariéjol]. Diego Pacheco, the Marquis of Villena, and his followers maintained that Joanna la Beltraneja, daughter of King Henry IV, was the rightful queen. [63] These brotherhoods had usually been suppressed by the monarch, however. In addition to these departments, there was also a Supreme Court of the Santa Hermandad, a Council of Finance, and a Council for settling purely Aragonese matters. Après de longues intrigues, Isabelle se laissa convaincre par Luis de Santagnel (secrétaire de Ferdinand) et des hommes profondémment religieux qui surent faire le tableau idyllique, aux yeux de la très pieuse reine, d'un Islam pris à revers par l'Asie. Jeanne 1ere D'ESPAGNE, Reine de CASTILLE, Reine d'ARAGON 1479-1555; Spouses and children. In August of the same year, Isabella proved her abilities as a powerful ruler on her own. Now that she had succeeded in securing her place on the Castilian throne, she could begin to institute the reforms that the kingdom desperately needed. Mais Isabelle décèda elle-même en 1498, son fils en 1500. Isabella's confessor, Cisneros, was named Archbishop of Toledo. For the Mexico City Metro station, see, Cristina Guardiola-Griffiths. von Aragón Unterschrift Yo el Rey und Siegel Ferdinands des Katholisc … Deutsch Wikipedia. Ferdinand was born on May 12 1452. Within four years the work stood completed in eight bulky volumes and the Ordenanzas Reales took their place on legal bookshelves.[79]. [93] Hundreds of those that remained came under the Inquisition's investigations into relapsed conversos (Marranos) and the Judaizers who had been abetting them.[94]. (fr) [80] Protected by natural barriers and fortified towns, it had withstood the long process of the reconquista. New York, Anchor Books, Penguin, 2014. In spite of her hostility towards the Muslims in Andalusia, Isabella developed a taste for Moorish decor and style. In Valletta, they retained two auberges, the Auberge d’Aragon and the magnificent Auberge de Castille. Isabelle de Castille - Vikidia, l’encyclopédie des 8-13 ans Il était assez faible stature [6] , avec une tendance à l'obésité que le temps était apprécié comme un signe de bonne santé et de fertilité, de longs cheveux blonds avec une teinte rouge-or, de … "Historiography with License: Isabel, the Catholic Monarch, and the Kingdom of God. Il s'allia avec l'empereur Maximilien Ier par l'intermédiaire de deux mariages croisés. While 1476 was not the first time that Castile had seen the Hermandad, it was the first time that the police force was used by the crown. Faced with these news, the party of "la Beltraneja" [Joanna] was dissolved and the Portuguese were forced to return to their kingdom.[44]. La fin de la guerre de reconquète (Reconquista) She had already been in decline since the deaths of her son Prince John of Asturias in 1497, her mother Isabella of Portugal in 1496, and her daughter Princess Isabella of Asturias in 1498. Par ce mariage se sont unis dans la dynastie des Trastamare, deux couronnes, celle de Castille et celle d’Aragon, ouvrant la voie à la monarchie hispanique. Isabelle de Castille est la fille du roi Jean II de Castille et de sa seconde épouse Isabelle de Portugal. In particular her reign saw the founding of the Spanish Empire. Le mariage Ferdinand, le stratège, s'adonna aux calculs les plus savants pour isoler une France expantionniste. Publié : 17 Juin 2011 13:05 . The Portuguese did not recognise that South America belonged to the Spanish because it was in Portugal's sphere of influence, and the Portuguese King John II threatened to send an army to claim the land for the Portuguese. On 2 January 1492 Isabella and Ferdinand entered Granada to receive the keys of the city, and the principal mosque was reconsecrated as a church. Le règne d’Isabelle de Castille et Ferdinand d’Aragon, connus sous le nom de ‘rois catholiques’, titre que le Pape d’origine valencien, Alexandre VI, leur a donnés, a marqué la transition du Moyen Âge à la Modernité. [2] Isabella was granted, together with her husband, the title "the Catholic" by Pope Alexander VI, and was recognized in 1974 as a Servant of God by the Catholic Church. Déconvenues, illusions. Car les deux royaumes étaient toujours indépendants par l'existence de deux trônes séparés. Aussitôt, le fils du marquis de Villena et l'archevêque de Tolède, Alonso Carrillo, s'armèrent en faveur de doña Juana et appelèrent à leur aide le roi du Portugal, Alphonse V, qui entra en Castille et épousa la fille d'Enrique IV, à Palencia (1475). [2][10] It seemed that finally the years of failed attempts at political marriages were over. They even went so far as to ask Alfonso to seize the throne. Celui-ci est destiné à son demi-frère Henri IV de Castille, qui en hérite en 1455 alors qu'Isabelle n'a que 3 ans . Isabelle devient reine de Castille en 1474, mais le roi du Portugal lui dispute le royaume. If Isabella married Alfonso, Henry's daughter Joanna would marry Alfonso's son John II and thus, after the death of the old king, John and Joanna could inherit Portugal and Castile. Un autre roi de France (Louis XII) reprit la guerre peu après, mais il ne put remettre en question le contrôle effectif de Ferdinand sur l'Italie du Sud (qui était déja maître de la Sardaigne et de la Sicile). Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castille married in 1469 and became the King and Queen of Spain (1479-1504); their grandson Charles V was the King of Spain ... Ferdinand roi d'Aragon et de Sicile II 1452-1516. Retrieved from, Weissberger,Barbara, "Queen Isabel I of Castile Power, Patronage, Persona." Isabelle est la fille de Jean II de Castille et d'Isabelle de Portugal. Isabelle entre à He saw the chance for this much needed new friendship in Charles of Viana, John's elder son. Ferdinand d'Aragon et Isabelle de Castille (sculpture de Mena, chapelle royale de Grenade). Juan, Prince, son of Ferdinand V, King of Spain and of Isabella I, Queen of Spain, 1478-1497 Juan, Príncipe de España 1478-1497 Juan, prince, fils de Ferdinand II, roi d'Aragon et d'Isabelle Ire, reine de Castille, 1478-1497 חואן, נסיך אסטוריאס, בנם של פרננדו ה-1 ואיזבלה מלכי ספרד, 1478-1497 Le rapprochement avec le Portugal avait cependant échoué. [62] During the late medieval period, the expression hermandad had been used to describe groups of men who came together of their own accord to regulate law and order by patrolling the roads and countryside and punishing malefactors. Les deux rois furent liés par les liens du mariage, mais aussi par un contrat d'association politique. Un symbole Elle était la plus jeune fille du roi catholique d'Espagne, Ferdinand II d'Aragon et Isabelle I de Castille. The Spanish crown created the Order of Isabella the Catholic in 1815 in honor of the queen. Both Isabella and Ferdinand established very few new governmental and administrative institutions in their respective kingdoms. Gabriel Hernandez's songs: Listen to songs by Gabriel Hernandez on Myspace, Stream Free Online Music by Gabriel Hernandez Étant cousins, les futurs mariés devaient demander l'autorisation du pape, mais pour gagner du temps, l'archevèque fit rédiger un faux! Les divers royaumes qui se partageaient la Péninsule étaient, isolément, trop faibles pour suivre au dehors une politique énergique. The council was also rearranged and it was officially settled that one bishop, three caballeros, and eight or nine lawyers would serve on the council at a time. Elle chargea l'un de ses partisans d'aller apaiser l'irascible archevêque, qui répondit d'une manière inquiétante. Puis l'Espagne, elle-même, se retrouvait au centre d'un vaste empire, à la fois méditérranéen et océanique. Isabelle de Castille (1355-1393), épouse en 1372 Edmond d'Angleterre (° vers 1341 - †1402), duc d'York, dit Edmond de Langley. John now had a stronger position than ever before and no longer needed the security of Henry's friendship. "Isabel the Queen," Oxford University Press, 1992. p. 308, Boruchoff, David A. [15], A civil war broke out in Castile over King Henry's inability to act as sovereign. Meanwhile, the Castilian and Portuguese fleets fought for hegemony in the Atlantic Ocean and for the wealth of Guinea (gold and slaves), where the decisive naval Battle of Guinea was fought.[47][48]. Ferdinand of Aragon, Isabella of Castile.jpg 1,540 × 847; 630 KB FerdinandIsabellaSpain.jpg 992 × 661; 141 KB Ferdinandus Rex - Elisabeth Regina, estàtues de la font de l'edifici històric de la Universitat de València, la Nau.JPG 3,664 × 2,748; 1.79 MB Futures sorties. Ferdinand II d'Aragon dit le Catholique (en castillan Fernando II el Católico ; en catalan Ferran el Catòlic), né le 10 mai 1452 à Sos (aujourdhui Sos del Rey Católico) et mort le 23 janvier 1516 à Madrigalejo, est roi de Castille et León de 1474 à 1504 (par mariage, sous le nom de Ferdinand V), roi d'Aragon, de Valence, de Majorque, de Sardaigne et de Sicile et comte de Barcelone de 1479 à 1516 (de son propre chef), comte de Roussillon et de Cer… Isabella's marriage to Ferdinand in 1469 created the basis of the de facto unification of Spain. Avis de lectures. Isabelle épouse à Valladolid le 14 octobre 1469, malgré une fausse autorisation papale et l'opposition de son demi-frère, le futur Ferdinand II d'Aragon (1452-1516), dit Ferdinand le Catholique et, après plusieurs brouilles, finit par se réconcilier avec Henri IV en décembre 1473, relançant la Guerre de Succession de Castille … Going against his promises made in September, Henry tried to make the marriage a reality. Birth May 12, 1258 CE Sevilla, Death April 25, 1295 CE Toledo, Parents Alphonse Xde CASTILLE + Yolanded'ARAGON, Spouse Mariede MOLINA, Children Isabelle, Ferdinand, Pierre, Philippe, Béatrice Isabella and her husband had created an empire and in later years were consumed with administration and politics; they were concerned with the succession and worked to link the Spanish crown to the other rulers in Europe. Mais elle refusa. A rebellion broke out in Segovia, and Isabella rode out to suppress it, as her husband Ferdinand was off fighting at the time. Et Jeanne commençait à donner des signes de folie. Trois ans après sa naissance, … Toutes les décisions en politique étrangère étaient prises en commun. On est en présence d'une union dynastique, pas d'une unité nationale : Ferdinand n'est pas La naissance d’une fille est une déception pour ses parents, qui cherchent à affirmer leur légitimité au trône, ce qui ne les empêchera jamais de témoigner beaucoup d’amour à ce premier fruit de leur union. Isabella I (Spanish: Isabel I, 22 April 1451 – 26 November 1504) was Queen of Castile from 1474, and Queen consort of Aragon from 1479, reigning over a dynastically unified Spain jointly with her husband Ferdinand II of Aragon until her death; together they would be known as the Catholic Monarchs. Citons encore l'expansion plus tardive en Afrique: 1505, Mers-el-Kébir, 1509, Oran, 1511, Tripoli, Alger qui toutefois ne cessa de changer de camp durant The noblemen, anxious for power, confronted King Henry, demanding that his younger half-brother Infante Alfonso be named his successor. Salluste: Inscription : 29 Août 2009 18:30 Message(s) : 249 Localisation : METZ Isabelle n'était pas dominante dans ce couple. [107], As Princess of Asturias, Isabella bore the undifferenced royal arms of the Crown of Castile and added the Saint John the Evangelist's Eagle, an eagle displayed as single supporter. Ils venaient sans le savoir de prononcer la fin de l'émirat espagnol. Ferdinand fut rappelé comme régent de Charles, son petit-fils, qui était élevé à Bruxelles. Mais devenue reine de Castille, elle refuse la fusion des deux royaumes. Her daughter, Isabella of Aragon, died during the birth of her son, Miguel da Paz, who passed away shortly after, at the age of two. Her half-brother was keeping her from the political turmoils going on in the kingdom, though Isabella had full knowledge of what was going on and of her role in the feuds. 1486 fut la date de la première rencontre entre les rois et Christophe Colomb. Downey, Kirsten "Isabella, The Warrior Queen,". [61], Isabella's first major reform came during the cortes of Madrigal in 1476 in the form of a police force, La Santa Hermandad (the Holy Brotherhood). At that time, the two kings, Henry and John, were eager to show their mutual love and confidence and they believed that this double alliance would make their eternal friendship obvious to the world. The council was responsible for supervising all senior administrative officials, such as the Crown representatives in all of the major towns. Aug 28, 2014 - Queen Isabella I of Castile and Leon - Kings and Queens Photo (2332585) - Fanpop In 1485 they laid siege to Ronda, which surrendered after only a fortnight due to extensive bombardment. Trois ans après sa naissance, son demi-frère Henri IV, dit l'Impuissant, devient roi. But despite its uncertain[38][39] outcome, the Battle of Toro represented a great political victory[40][41][42][43] for the Catholic Monarchs, assuring them the throne since the supporters of Joanna la Beltraneja disbanded and the Portuguese army, without allies, left Castile. The eastern province succumbed after the fall of Baza in 1489. Alfonse V du Portugal, un des prétendants d'Isabelle, l'ouest. A la suite d'une réconciliation entre Ferdinand d'Aragon et le roi de Castille, celui-ci mourut à Ségovie le 12 décembre 1474. En mars de la même année, les juifs furent officiellement expulsés. Reine de Castille (1474-1504) et d'Aragon (1479-1504) née le 22 avril 1451 à Madrigal de las Altas Torres (Castille), morte le 26 novembre 1504 à Medina del Campo (Espagne). Going against the advice of her male advisors, Isabella rode by herself into the city to negotiate with the rebels. [5] She, her mother, and Alfonso then moved to Arévalo. [2][6], These were times of turmoil for Isabella. La même année, Ferdinand devient roi d’Aragon. Isabelle naît le 22 avril 1451à Madrigal de las Altas Torres dans le palais de son père, Jean II de Castille. Ferdinand II le Catholique d'Aragon, roi d'Aragon 1452-1516 Married 19 October 1469 (Tuesday), Valladolid, Espagne, toIsabel I la Católica de Castilla, reine de Castille 1451-1504 with Isabelle d'Aragon 1470-1498 Married in 1490, Estremoz, Portugal, to Alphonse de Portugal 1475-1491 Mais un empire en émergea finalement. Reine de Castille (1474-1504) et d'Aragon (1479-1504) née le 22 avril 1451 à Madrigal de las Altas Torres (Castille), morte le 26 novembre 1504 à Medina del Campo (Espagne). As she had been named in her brother's will as his successor, the nobles asked Isabella to take his place as champion of the rebellion. The war went back and forth for almost a year until 1 March 1476, when the Battle of Toro took place, a battle in which both sides claimed victory[27][28] and celebrated[28][29] the victory: the troops of King Alfonso V were beaten[30][31] by the Castilian centre-left commanded by the Duke of Alba and Cardinal Mendoza while the forces led by John of Portugal defeated[32][33][34][35] the Castilian right wing and remained in possession[36][37] of the battlefield. [2] However, support for the rebels had begun to wane, and Isabella preferred a negotiated settlement to continuing the war. Her reign also established the Spanish Inquisition.[2]. Suárez Fernández, L. and M. Fernández (1969), This page was last edited on 17 December 2020, at 17:43. The Archbishop and Marquis made plans to have Joanna marry her uncle King Alfonso V of Portugal and invade Castile to claim the throne for themselves.[25]. Et ce fut bien de l'or et de l'argent par tonnes qui affluèrent dans les ports de Castille et iront irriguer l'économie de l'Europe. Celui-ci est destiné à son demi-frère Henri IV de Castille, qui en hérite e… [11] This arrangement, however, did not last long. [citation needed] On 31 March 1492, the Alhambra decree for the expulsion of the Jews was issued. Jeanne en perdit définitivement la tête (d'où son surnom de Jeanne la Folle). Isabelle was born on June 24 1451. All of Alfonso's Spanish territories, as well as the islands of Sicily and Sardinia, were left to his brother John II. This portion consisted of some bishops, some nobles, and an increasingly important element of professional administrators with legal training known as letrados. Isabella is considered the first Queen of Spain de facto, being described as such during her own lifetime, although Castile and Aragon de jure remained two different kingdoms until the Nueva Planta Decrees of 1716. Isabella was aghast and prayed to God that the marriage would not come to pass. L'Aragonais était à l'époque un territoire avec pour débouché méditerranéen Barcelone. La princesse Isabelle épouse le prince Ferdinand en 1469. "Instructions for Sainthood and Other Feminine Wiles in the Historiography of Isabel I.". [46] Two years later, Isabella further secured her place as ruler with the birth of her son John, Prince of Asturias, on 30 June 1478. Isabella had proven herself to be a fighter and tough monarch from the start. In 1958, the Catholic canonical process of the Cause of Canonization of Isabella was started by José García Goldaraz, the Bishop of Valladolid, where she died in 1504. Isabelle épouse à Valladolid le 14 octobre 1469, malgré une fausse autorisation papale et l'opposition de son demi-frère, le futur Ferdinand II d'Aragon (1452-1516), dit Ferdinand le Catholique et, après plusieurs brouilles, finit par se réconcilier avec Henri IV en décembre 1473, relançant la Guerre de Succession de Castille … [72] By the 1470s, when Isabella began to take a firm grip on the royal administration, the senior offices of the royal household were simply honorary titles and held strictly by the nobility. She was successful and the rebellion was quickly brought to an end. The death of Isabella of Aragon created a necessity for Manuel I of Portugal to remarry, and Isabella's third daughter, Maria of Aragon, became his next bride. Image of the Isabella's coat of arms with lions as supporters, facade of the St. Paul Church inValladolid (Spain) Artehistoria. At Alcáçovas, Isabella and Ferdinand had conquered the throne, but the Portuguese exclusive right of navigation and commerce in all of the Atlantic Ocean south of the Canary Islands meant that Spain was practically blocked out of the Atlantic and was deprived of the gold of Guinea, which induced anger in Andalusia. Cette fois, Isabelle eut peur. Ferdinand's uncle Alfonso V of Aragon died in 1458. Traditionally, the main advisory body to the rulers of Castile was the Royal Council. [26] A long and bloody war for the Castilian succession then took place. The household was traditionally divided into two overlapping bodies. Les Rois catholiques, Ferdinand II d'Aragon et Isabelle Ire de Castille. [98] She is entombed in Granada in the Capilla Real, which was built by her grandson, Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (Carlos I of Spain), alongside her husband Ferdinand, her daughter Joanna and Joanna's husband Philip I; and Isabella's 2-year-old grandson, Miguel da Paz (the son of Isabella's daughter, also named Isabella, and King Manuel I of Portugal). Mais Henri pensait contrôler le jeu en imposant un mari à Isabelle (prince français ou roi du Portugal ?). These men were mostly of the bourgeoisie or lesser nobility. Un siècle plus tard, les morrisques, des convertis de force, se révoltaient encore. After a Muslim uprising in 1499, and further troubles thereafter, the Treaty of Granada was broken in 1502, and Muslims were ordered to either become Christians or to leave. For other uses, see, For other people named Isabella of Castile, see, "Isabel la Católica" redirects here. Isabella's reign got off to a rocky start. Those that had not been granted as a reward for services were to be restored without compensation, while those that had been sold at a price far below their real value were to be bought back at the same sum. See more ideas about Isabella of castile, Catherine of aragon, History. It was decided that the Cardinal of Spain would hold an enquiry into the tenure of estates and rents acquired during Henry IV's reign. Discovering America, woodcut, 1493. These officials set off with the Herculean task of restoring peace for the province. En 1479, Ferdinand devient roi d'Aragon. [2] They were married immediately upon reuniting, on 19 October 1469, in the Palacio de los Vivero in the city of Valladolid.[23]. Certains fuirent vers l'Afrique ou le Portugal, puis revinrent. Look at other dictionaries: Ferdinand II. Of her, contemporaries said: Isabella and Ferdinand had seven children, five of whom survived to adulthood: Towards the end of her life, family tragedies overwhelmed her, although she met these reverses with grace and fortitude[citation needed]. [92] Traditionally, it had been claimed that as many as 200,000 Jews left Spain, but recent historians have shown that such figures are exaggerated: Henry Kamen has shown that out of a total population of 80,000 Jews, a maximum of 40,000 left and the rest converted. Le mariage eut lieu à Valladolid en 1469 en toute discrétion, pendant une absence de Henri IV. Isabella I (Spanish: Isabel I, 22 April 1451 – 26 November 1504) was Queen of Castile from 1474 and Queen consort of Aragon from 1479 until her death, reigning over a dynastically unified Spain jointly with her husband Ferdinand II. A daughter, stillborn twin sister of Maria. [7], Some of Isabella's living conditions improved in Segovia. Les alliances Henry Kamen, The Spanish Inquisition: A Historical Revision. Zamora et Toro se rendirent san… Retrieved 3 January 2012. Isabelle de Castille, dite aussi Isabelle la Catholique, reine d'Espagne (ou plutôt reine de Castille), née le 22 avril 1451, morte à Medina del Campo le 26 novembre 1504.Fille de Jean II, roi de Castille, et de sa seconde femme, Isabelle de Portugal, petite-fille du grand roi Jean l er, elle n'hérita heureusement pas de l'indolence de son père. [113] Isabella was also the first named woman to appear on a United States coin, the 1893 commemorative Isabella quarter, celebrating the 400th anniversary of Columbus's first voyage. permettra des alliances inespérées. Her reforms and those she made with her husband had an influence that extended well beyond the borders of their united kingdoms. Un dernier coup du sort, cette fois-ci heureux, donna sans coup férir la Navarre à un Ferdinand vieillissant (1512). Isabella maintained an austere, temperate lifestyle, and her religious spirit influenced her the most in life.