Sebelumnya, Punk Hazard hanyalah pulau biasa, namun fakta Punk Hazard berubah sejak duel mematikan itu terjadi. Punk Hazard adalah pulau di dekat Dressrosa yang menjadi saksi mati duel antara dua orang Admiral, yaitu Akainu melawan Aokiji. Joined Dec 28, 2015 Messages 10,683 Kin 543 Kumi 618 Trait Points 0⚔️ Jan 10, 2018 #2 I want Kuzan to win but Big mam takes this. Yes I know Kuzan lost to him on Punk Hazard. On sait que akainu à gagné aokiji mais à votre avis, akainu vs kizaru, qui pourrait gagner ? What are Akainu and Aokiji up to? C'était auparavant un Vice-Amiral qui a participé au Buster Call d'Ohara au cours duquel il a sauvé Nico Robin. We learn that Akainu has taken over in place of Sengoku. She’s walked through everything. Team Kidd VS Shanks! as a visage of Aokiji on a battle field with ice as a visage of akainu was on the other side with magma and fire erupting.. On Punk Hazard.. Kok pulau pertama Topi Jerami? With the latest chapter revealing the existence of secret Marine Force “SWORD”, there has been discussion of Aokiji and possibly even Akainu being a part of this organisation, and this made me do a bit of digging. They are both admiral level, Kizaru as current admiral and Aokiji as a former admiral, we do know that the admirals are almost equal, but not quite. Silahkan tulis pendapatmu di kolom komentar, ya. Reactions: Elessar. 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 3 Gallery 4 Others Real name Sakazuki, Akainu is a Fleet Admiral, the head of the Marine force of World Government. Setahun setelah dipenjara, Caesar kabur dan kembali ke Punk Hazard. Kampung Halaman Luffy! I didn’t realize how far behind they were until this arc. Les deux s'affrontèrent donc pour le pouvoir, dans un long duel sanglant sur Punk Hazard , dans un déchaînement de puissance tel qu'ils changèrent le climat de l'île. Bloodlusted, at punk hazard before the akainu vs aokiji . It was already an odd display of Law’s power but once the crew started wearing face masks to show their true selves it helped out a lot. So to settle it once and for all Akainu challenged Aokiji. Catching Up on One Piece in 2020: Punk Hazard, Sanji in Nami’s body produced one of the funniest moments in the series. Secara kebetulan, Dressrosa dan Punk Hazard itu terbukti berdekatan, mengingat jarak perjalanan Luffy dan yang lainnya menuju Dressrosa tak begitu memakan waktu. And her Devil Fruit ability is simple yet interesting. Dec 21, 2020 #2 Elessar Telcontar 有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity. Punk Hazard’s Lab Last but certainly not least, after the 10-day fight of Aokiji vs Akainu Punk Hazard ended having one side of the island filled with flames and the other side with ice. ... One Piece Akainu Vs Aokiji Punk Hazard Admiralakainu Instagram Posts Photos And Videos Instazu Com Fan Art Karas Aokiji-Blackbeard Alliance(?)! Akhirnya pulaunya ditutup oleh Angkatan Laut dan Pemerintahan Dunia, sampai akhirnya duel Akainu vs Aokiji membuat iklim di sini berubah lagi. Location is Punk Hazard pre Aokiji v Akainu . Pertama, Punk Hazard adalah pulau normal yang menjadi lokasi percobaan untuk Dr. Vegapunk dan Caesar, namun karena kegilaan Caesar, dia meledakan gas beracun dan tentunya membunuh banyak mahluk hidup di sana. And akainu just isn't the type who. During the 10 days duel of the two Admirals. This is the untold story of that battle. Doflamingo vs Aokiji (rant) Discussion When watching the Doffy vs Aokiji clip on YouTube (the brief interaction on Punk Hazard) the amount of people that thought Doflamingo could take Aokiji right then and there was astounding. Would show pity to someone. Die eine Hälfte der Insel ist eine Eiswüste, während die andere eine enorme Hitze durch das Magma aufweist und eine Feuerhölle ist. Ele geralmente veste um boné da Marinha padrão e ostenta um carmesim, terno trespassado, decorado com o que parece ser uma rosa na lapela esquerda. Akainu and Aokiji didn't try to destroy Punk Hazard, they changed the temperature of the entire island just by fightning each other. I get that they have other projects that are more successful in the west but this makes no sense. Extreme for the duo. Punk Hazard moves the story forward in a big way. Kuzan vs Sakazuki. Takes place in Punk Hazard. Ini Dia 8 Kekuatan Tokoh Utama JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Sejauh Ini! Akainu vs Aokiji. Almost that entire confrontation between Akainu and the whitebeard commanders was off panel, the only on panel confrontations between the whitebeard commanders and the admirals were Aokiji vs. Jozu and Kizaru vs. Marco who both were successfully matching up on par with the admirals prior to cheap shots. Hah? Akainu vs Aokiji. A web developer/pet enthusiast that goes by the beat of his own drum. In fact, I think it's likely that the Logia fruits affect the weather surrounding them and that awakening of such powers can lead to permanent climate changes. More information on Dr. Vegapunk is revealed. 16 comments . The fight is known to have lasted for 10 days and affected the entire atmosphere of Punk Hazard. (Chapter 907) 12. Kizaru was confident enough to go to Wano and stop Big Mon And Kaido. Who would win ? Their battleground, the now dead island of Punk Hazard. It seemed to simple for the One Piece world. Beast Probably higher than a kite. Location is Punk Hazard pre Aokiji v Akainu . Caesar ditangkap karena perbuatannya ini, dan pulau ini jadi penuh dengan gas beracun. Doflamingo!, na Crunchyroll. Like I said, Toshiro's freezing capabilities and showings are much greater, hell even Doflamingo casually broke out of Aokiji's ice. The Revolutionary Army. Sakazuki é um homem alto, de pele clara, excepcionalmente muscular tão alto quanto seus companheiros de almirantes, com uma praça em forma de rosto, características faciais muito pronunciados e cabelo preto e curto. It’s a good story that actually made me feel for several characters. So who do you think would win in a hand to hand fight ? One Piece, Chapter 793: The Tiger and the Dog . I thought you'd be too lazy and give up the position as soon as I mentioned a fight." Sebelumnya memang Punk Hazard adalah pulau biasa, namun bukan berarti tak berbahaya. I loved this design ever since I saw Starbuxx cosplay her. Karena itu, mari kita membahas 7 fakta Punk Hazard. we respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously. Drawing aokiji vs akainu one piece. Their battleground, the now dead island of Punk Hazard. She is super weak. When Sengoku resigned from the position of Fleet Admiral, he promoted Ao Kiji for the title. Mangahelper. This arc was waaaaay better than the last arc and it teases you for the next one. Discussion When watching the Doffy vs Aokiji clip on YouTube (the brief interaction on Punk Hazard) the amount of people that thought Doflamingo could take Aokiji right then and there was astounding. I never expected you to accept this so easily Kuzan. Prediksi One Piece 1002: Duel Marco VS King dan Rencana O-Tama? Before the Timeskip the 3 admirals were Akainu, Aokiji and Kizaru. Their battleground, the now dead island of Punk Hazard. By the end of it the Strawhats have fixed the island problem, Trafalgar Law is one step closer to his goal and we have an angry Warlord coming for the crew. 5 Karakter Anime yang Pantas Punya Judul Anime Sendiri! Punk Hazard adalah pulau yang menjadi saksi mati dari duel Akainu vs Aokiji, dan ini dia 7 fakta Punk Hazard yang menjadi pulau unik di One Piece! Before the time-skip, he held the position of an Admiral, but that soon changed when Akainu went toe-to-toe against Aokiji for the position of Fleet Admiral. Lebih Awal! Since their ideologies were extremely different, the two decided to fight on Punk Hazard, with the winner getting to become the Fleet Admiral. Rsther to be powerful ones. © Copyright 2019 — We learn that Akainu has taken over in place of Sengoku. share. His motto as a sailor is "lazy justice." Ketika mereka datang ke New World, pulau pertama yang mereka singgahi adalah Punk Hazard. The winner would be the Fleet Admiral no perguntas asked. Die Süd-West-Seite wurde von Akainu dominiert, während die Nord-Ost-Seite der Insel Aokijis Terrain war. sumber: dokumentasi[/caption]. Image credits: Youtube (Marco the Phoenix)[/caption]. He then moved the Marine HQ to the east coast of the Red Line to put more Marine presence in the New World. When the Worst Generation was first introduced I realized that none of them stood out to me except Trafalgar Law. Kenh tin anime co 629 video. Akainu ended up as the winner, but had sympathy enough to spare Aokiji's life in spite of it being meant as a battle to the death. The fight take place on Punk Hazard Madara and Hashirama are in their prime(Not Edo Tensei) Everyone is bloodlusted No morals They start 100m Akibat kekuatan Akainu dan Aokiji (yang sangat pasti itu adalah bukti Awakening mereka), sebagian pulau terbakar hebat dan apinya bahkan tak pernah padam, sementara sebagian lainnya membeku dan tak pernah mencair. The location of Akainu and Aokiji's duel for the position of fleet admiral is revealed to be Punk Hazard, and resulted in turning the island into ice and fire, changing its whole climate. Luffy also wants to take down a different warlord. He is just so comical. This arc was a return to the main story in my opinion. Child Abuse – The One Thing I Didn’t Expect for One Piece to Address, Catching Up on One Piece in 2020: Whole Cake Island, Catching Up On One Piece in 2020: Dressrosa, Greatest Fathers in Fiction – Father’s Day 2020 Edition. So to settle it once and for all Akainu challenged Aokiji. Bagi penggemar anime dan manga One Piece, siapa yang tidak kenal Punk Hazard? Unfortunately, Aokiji did not escape unscathed. Why aokiji was in punk hazard. Punk Hazard juga menjadi lokasi utama di alur ceirta Punk Hazard setelah Pulau Manusia Ikan. Start ANOTHER Unfinished Story Before I Die?!?!?!?! Tier: At least 7-A, possibly High 7-A. Pre-Time Skip versions for the Admirals. Akainu vs Aokiji Kizaru: ... Also when he saved Doflamingo in Punk Hazard so Doflamingo withdrew, so this shows you how strong he is, Doflamingo didn’t even think about fighting him. This only happened because he won a fight with Aokiji. Reactions: Elessar. Ao contrário de muitos do alto escalão da Marinha, ele não usa uma gravata, em vez deixando sua camisa colorida c… Sakazuki (サカズキ, Sakazuki), commonly known by his alias Akainu (赤犬, Akainu), is the current fleet admiral of the Navy, succeeding the previous fleet admiral, Sengoku. A lot of people don’t like Ceaser at all but I love him. Magma>>>>>>Ice but Kuzan kept it close and managed to stalemate Akainu … Sebelumnya, Punk Hazard hanyalah pulau biasa, namun fakta Punk Hazard berubah sejak duel mematikan itu terjadi. It’s really hard to explain until you see it onscreen. I never expected آپ to accept this so easily Kuzan. But the way the story handled it worked. Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. A body switching story is super cliche. The winner would be the Fleet Admiral no vragen asked. This arc answers one of the major questions I had about the aftermath of Marineford. Posted by. It's certainly possible. Bisa Gak Protagonis Jahat? Kok pulau pertama Topi Jerami? This question has plagued me since the end of the Punk Hazard arc and it got worse when it was revealed that Kuzan was joining the Blackbeard Pirates during the Dressrosa arc and later confirmed that he has actually joined the Blackbeard Pirates at the end of the Dressrosa arc. Their battleground, the now dead island of Punk Hazard. Bagi penggemar anime & mangaOne Piece, siapa yg tidak kenal Punk Hazard? Nov 21, 2020 #41 Shunsuiju said: Akainu is apparently the most hard-line of the Marines, following the doctrine of Absolute Justice. EDIT: As a friend of mine informed me after I wrote this review, apparently Aokiji joining up with Blackbeard has been mentioned in … Nov 21, 2020 #41 Shunsuiju said: I don't really care what you call it, if you can give a mid or high dificulty fight to an Admiral you are strong enough to fight for days on end without letting up. @dxc: Akainu vs Aokiji was plain PIS, by feats Akainu is way above both Kizaru and Aokiji.Also there are many people who can arguably beat a Yonko 6 years ago roronuffy